Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Follow-up with Steve Terrell (28 Dec 2011)

This posting follows up on previous comments to Steve Terrell.

On 12/28/2011 2:56 PM, Steve Terrell wrote:
> Thanks Mike. I was there this morning but didn't get a chance to meet you.

Glad to be of assistance!

> I have a technical question:
> I know the LP has a convention in May. I assume the state party will send a delegation. Will you be having a state
> convention before then to chose delegates and who to back among the 10 or so candidates? If so, when will that
> take place?

The LPNM's 2012 annual State Convention will take place on Saturday, 21 April 2012 at the Quarters BBQ at 3700 Ellison NW (see here for a map and directions – http://tinyurl.com/27rhyrn). Most likely we'll have a no-host meet-and-greet the night before, probably at the same location.

Details (speakers' list, agenda, etc.) will be posted here –

> And if some reader of my story tomorrow wants to get involved with this process, what would they have to do?

In order to vote to nominate candidates for public office, they would have to make sure that they're registered to vote as "Libertarian" or "LIB" as the Secretary of State prints on the voter registration cards before they show up for the Convention.

For them to vote in internal party business (changes in the bylaws, party officer nominations, etc.), they need to :

  1. Register to vote as "Libertarian."

  2. Sign up as what the LPNM refers to as a "Caucus Member." Basically, this means that they've signed the Non-Aggression Pledge and paid $25 in dues.

> I assume only registered Libertarians would be allowed to take part in this process (if you do have a state
> convention or whatever). If they weren't already party members, when would they have to change their
> registrations?

If they just want voting rights at the State Convention, all they need to is show up at that Convention with "LIB" printed on their voter registration card, and sign up as a Caucus Member to take part in internal business.

If they want to be candidates for public office on the LPNM's ballot line, they need to :

  1. Register to vote as "Libertarian" before the Governor's Election Proclamation for 2012 comes out. Usually this Proclamation is put out on the last Tuesday of January.

  2. Sign up with the LPNM as a Caucus Member (see above).

  3. Get nominated by their peers at the State Convention (or a County Convention for offices contained entirely in one county).

  4. Download and thoroughly read the candidate guides available from the Secretary of State's office, as they contain all of the details required by the State of New Mexico – filing dates, signature requirements, etc.


Mike Blessing / 505-515-7015
State Chair, Libertarian Party of New Mexico

Who owns you? Who runs your life? Who should — you or someone else?
Freedom is the answer — what's the question?

Copyright © 2011–2012 Libertarian Party of New Mexico. All rights reserved.

Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises. Webmaster Mike Blessing.
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