Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Follow-up with Steve Terrell (28 Dec 2011)

This posting follows up on previous comments to Steve Terrell.

On 12/28/2011 2:56 PM, Steve Terrell wrote:
> Thanks Mike. I was there this morning but didn't get a chance to meet you.

Glad to be of assistance!

> I have a technical question:
> I know the LP has a convention in May. I assume the state party will send a delegation. Will you be having a state
> convention before then to chose delegates and who to back among the 10 or so candidates? If so, when will that
> take place?

The LPNM's 2012 annual State Convention will take place on Saturday, 21 April 2012 at the Quarters BBQ at 3700 Ellison NW (see here for a map and directions – http://tinyurl.com/27rhyrn). Most likely we'll have a no-host meet-and-greet the night before, probably at the same location.

Details (speakers' list, agenda, etc.) will be posted here –

> And if some reader of my story tomorrow wants to get involved with this process, what would they have to do?

In order to vote to nominate candidates for public office, they would have to make sure that they're registered to vote as "Libertarian" or "LIB" as the Secretary of State prints on the voter registration cards before they show up for the Convention.

For them to vote in internal party business (changes in the bylaws, party officer nominations, etc.), they need to :

  1. Register to vote as "Libertarian."

  2. Sign up as what the LPNM refers to as a "Caucus Member." Basically, this means that they've signed the Non-Aggression Pledge and paid $25 in dues.

> I assume only registered Libertarians would be allowed to take part in this process (if you do have a state
> convention or whatever). If they weren't already party members, when would they have to change their
> registrations?

If they just want voting rights at the State Convention, all they need to is show up at that Convention with "LIB" printed on their voter registration card, and sign up as a Caucus Member to take part in internal business.

If they want to be candidates for public office on the LPNM's ballot line, they need to :

  1. Register to vote as "Libertarian" before the Governor's Election Proclamation for 2012 comes out. Usually this Proclamation is put out on the last Tuesday of January.

  2. Sign up with the LPNM as a Caucus Member (see above).

  3. Get nominated by their peers at the State Convention (or a County Convention for offices contained entirely in one county).

  4. Download and thoroughly read the candidate guides available from the Secretary of State's office, as they contain all of the details required by the State of New Mexico – filing dates, signature requirements, etc.


Mike Blessing / 505-515-7015
State Chair, Libertarian Party of New Mexico

Who owns you? Who runs your life? Who should — you or someone else?
Freedom is the answer — what's the question?

Copyright © 2011–2012 Libertarian Party of New Mexico. All rights reserved.

Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises. Webmaster Mike Blessing.
This blog entry created with gedit and Notepad++.

Comments to Steve Terrell About Gary Johnson (27 Dec 2011)

On 12/27/2011 2:56 PM, Steve Terrell wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I’m a reporter with the Santa Fe New Mexican. >
> I’m doing a story on Gary Johnson’s expected announcement that he’ll seek the Libertarian Party nomination for
> president.
> As state chairman of the NM Libertarian Party, how do you feel about that? I realize there are several other
> candidates, but how would you expect the former governor to do, both in getting the nomination and in the
> general election here in the state?

Sorry I haven't responded earlier.

I'm OK with Gary Johnson seeking the LP presidential nomination. Can't say I blame him if that's what he decides to do, considering that the GOP consistently solicits support in the form of time, effort, and money from its libertarian wing, then tells the people comprising that part of their organization to "Shut up and do as you're told." Those that don't – well, look at how the GOP machine treated Adam Kokesh in the 2010 primary for New Mexico's 3rd Congressional District.

I left the GOP and joined the Libertarian Party back in January, 1994 because of this sort of thing.

I guess that Johnson kept New Mexico in the black for eight years doesn't really matter to most Republicans. So much for their "support" for fiscal responsibility. So the GOP is going with the guy who created the precursor to ObamaCare in Massachusetts instead? So much for their "support" for free-market economics and health-care choice.

Same goes for the Second Amendment – Johnson has never treated gun owners as political footballs like quite a few Republicans (Romney, McCain, Giuliani, Dole, both Bushes) have. Yet the gun vote always seems to deliver for the GOP, and the GOP returns the favor with more abuse. Classic abused-voter syndrome – kind of like how the Democrats treat the gay vote (remember Patsy Madrid's efforts against any sort of same-sex marriages or civil unions back in 2004?).

But the Republicans sure are hot to stomp on Johnson for Gary's stance that the current version of Prohibition against marijuana needs to be rethought, if not scrapped outright. Never mind the fact that over fifty billion bucks are blown every year on it, and it only stops five percent of the drug traffic from producers to end users. Disregard the fourteen states that have set up some form of medical marijuana program through ballot initiatives and referenda. Didn't Obama promise to end the federal crackdown against medical marijuana dispensaries?

Both Republicans and Democrats also seem to be in love with dropping bombs on foreigners, too – especially when it's their guy in the White House giving the orders. That's something else where Johnson differs from both Obama and the "eventual Republican nominee," whether it's Romney or Gingrich.

What about Gary's chances? I think that he's got a good chance of winning the LP's nomination. As for the general election, that depends also on who wins the GOP's nomination to be his opponent. If it's Romney or Gingrich, I think that Gary will get some good numbers.

I hope to see you in Santa Fe tomorrow morning!

Mike Blessing / 505-515-7015
State Chair, Libertarian Party of New Mexico

Who owns you? Who runs your life? Who should — you or someone else?
Freedom is the answer — what's the question?

Copyright © 2011–2012 Libertarian Party of New Mexico. All rights reserved.

Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises. Webmaster Mike Blessing.
This blog entry created with gedit and Notepad++.

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Presidential Candidates

Here is a list of those currently known (as of 2 January 2012) to be seeking the Libertarian Party's 2012 presidential nomination. They are listed in simple alphabetical order.

Ralph Allen Beach (South Carolina) — FEC P20002358

Jim Burns (Nevada)

Jim Duensing (Nevada)

Roger Gary (Texas) — FEC P20002770

R. J. Harris (Oklahoma) — FEC P20003364

Ronald Keith Hebert (Tennessee) — FEC P20004230

Shawn James Hogan (Pennsylvania) — FEC P20004024

Gary Johnson (New Mexico) — FEC P20002671

Robert W. Milnes (New Jersey)

James Ogle (California) — FEC P60004322

Carl Person (New York) — FEC P20002895

Dave Redick of Wisconsin (Wisconsin)

Bill Still (Virginia) — FEC P20003828

Joy Waymire (California) — FEC P20004370

Lee Wrights (Texas) — FEC P20002952

Copyright © 2012 Libertarian Party of New Mexico. All rights reserved.

Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises. Webmaster Mike Blessing
This blog entry created with gedit and Notepad++.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Comments to David Weigel about Gary Johnson (21 December 2011)

Current mood: excited

On 12/20/2011 6:11 PM, David Weigel wrote:

> Are you led to believe he's announcing as a Libertarian next week?
> thanks
> Dave Weigel
> David Weigel
> Slate political reporter

Well, he's been talking about the possibility of running on our ticket for a month or two now.


Before this, it seems like most of the media wouldn't give him the time of day.

Can't say as I blame him — he's been in the GOP's doghouse since 2001.

I've been seeing this sort of behavior towards libertarians from the GOP's insiders for years now — they solicit our time, effort and cash but they think that we're willing to pitch in without getting anything in exchange, i.e. candidates who express libertarian policy stances.

Then when we withhold that support, they call us "losertarians" and such.

The most asinine part of this is how a lot of GOP candidates pitch themselves as having "business experience." What sort of businessman offers an inferior product, then insults the potential customer for refusing to buy in?

Mike Blessing
State Chair, Libertarian Party of New Mexico

Copyright © 2011-2012 Libertarian Party of New Mexico. All rights reserved.

Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises, Webmaster Mike Blessing.
This blog entry created with gedit and Notepad++.