Monday, October 31, 2016

Allen Cogbill, In Memoriam

It is with a heavy heart that I must announce the passing of our beloved Treasurer, Allen Cogbill. Allen passed away unexpected on October 25 from a recently-contracted lung disease. Allen served the LPNM as Treasurer, doing a fabulously superb job of bookkeeping, for as long as I have been associated with the Party. He was a dedicated Libertarian who lived his principles, and was a good friend to us all.

Allen, thank you for having enriched our lives with your presence. We are going to miss you.

Marty Swinney
State Chair, Libertarian Party of New Mexico

Copyright © 2016 Libertarian Party of New Mexico, Libertarian Party of Los Alamos County, New Mexico, and Libertarian Party of Bernalillo County, New Mexico


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