Monday, July 11, 2016

No TOR for the Masses?

Recently Techspot India reported that the NSA doesn't want us civilians using the TOR technology —

NSA classifies Linux Journal readers, Tor and Tails Linux users as "extremists"

Funny how TOR was originally developed by the Naval Research Laboratory and furthered by DARPA. Now that it's out of the bag, they want to put it back under their exclusive control. Sort of like the internet itself.

Of course, the govvies probably won't mind too much if political figures with ties to George Soros and the Saudi royal family use it. At least they didn't seem to mind when a certain former senator turned Secretary of State mishandled classified information on a private home-based server, so I'm guessing that they'll sign off on corrupt use of the TOR tech as well, just so long as it's the "right people" using it.

H/T Seth Anderson Bailey


  1. Wikipedia page for Tor

  2. Wikipedia page for TAILS

  3. Wikipedia page for Dark web


  1. Approximate reading level – 11.7

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1 comment:

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