Tuesday, May 3, 2016

So the Catholic Church Says "Spend More" ?

Today's Albuquerque Journal ran an article on page C1 ("Metro & New NM") — PullTogether kicks off, faces funding skepticism

From the article —

In a separate and somewhat dueling news conference, Archbishop of Santa Fe John C. Wester said he wants state leaders to do more than "sing a jingle," and to find new revenue sources to pay for programs such as state-assisted child care and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or food stamps.

Now if the IRS were to yank the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's 501(c)(3) non-profit status so that donations are no longer deductible on the donors' 1040 (and PIT-1 ?) and the Church were subject to the same sorts of taxation as, say, the rest of us, how much could the State of New Mexico rake in from Wester and his buddies?

If Bishop Wester really cares about "the children" as much as he professes, why doesn't he cut the check to the State for whatever amount he deems necessary right now?

Or he could directly help those he claims to care about so much — which is preferable from my viewpoint, as that doesn't further increase the expenses and intrusiveness of Santa Fe, Washington DC, and One Civic Plaza.

Add to that the point that if those who profess to care about poor people so much would simply directly provide the help they say they is necessary instead of lobbying and agitating for a larger, more intrusive, more expensive welfare state, there wouldn't be as much of an underclass in America needing that help.

Finally, to paraphrase a friend from years ago:

Poverty in the Third World is when there are flies crawling on your kids as they go through a trash heap, looking for whatever.

Poverty in America is when you get that letter from Comcast or DirecTV with "FINAL NOTICE" printed across the top in big letters.


  1. Approximate reading level – 18.5

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