Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Gary Johnson 2012 -- Peace is Cheaper

Current mood: excited

Gary Johnson 2012Peace is Cheaper

From the page of the embedded YouTube clip —

Republicans are Thelma. The Democrats are Louise. Together they are taking our nation over a cliff. We have a President and a majority in Congress who insist on endless war. But a majority of Americans are insisting on Peace. As our President, Gary Johnson will end the wars and bring our men and women home -- where we will rebuild and renew our broken nation together. We the People will have PEACE. Demand it. Donate to it. Elect it. Protect it. The fight for our liberty never ends.

Media coverage of this clip — KOB-TV (Ch.4) – Libertarian Party releases first ad featuring Gary Johnson

Copyright © 2012 Libertarian Party of New Mexico. All rights reserved.

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